Thursday, March 1, 2018

Mud Season

Sleep evaded me last night.  I drifted off while writing yesterday's Blog for a short time and then was awake until 5 AM.  Waking up around 9 I was full of energy and spent the morning cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen.  Sitting down to do things on the computer didn't put me to sleep but I expect that it will tonight so I am writing before dinner and will post before bed.  We got some grocery shopping done and then I headed out for a walk. 

It was a beautiful spring like day out and I decided to try a trail that I haven't been on before.  This was probably not a good idea.  K dropped me off at the trail head and I set off.  What I didn't realize was that parts of the trail were just for skiers and I was supposed to keep to the multi-use trails which started out marked alright but didn't remain so.  There were snowy areas, but not enough for skiing.  There was quite a bit of melt off and I should have worn a different pair of boots since the ones I wore aren't waterproof.  This didn't really bother me too much, just noting that I could have been more prepared.  The trails went around a large hay field but eventually the signs went away and what seemed like trail before seemed to become soggy hay field instead.  It made sense to continue to follow it around, that was how I remembered the map, so I did.  When I got to the far side I noticed blue blazes on trees just after the field ended and there appeared to be a trail there.  There was also a spring time stream between the field and trees.  Eventually I found a place to cross.  I wound my way along what sometimes seemed like trail and other times not, crossing over streams and through what was probably once a homeless camp or party area, but always heading toward the road that never left my hearing.  I had looked at the map a few times but, confident that I couldn't get too lost, I didn't take the time to truly orient myself with it.  Eventually I got to the road and waked home from there.  It was probably just a little over a mile before getting to the road.  That was today's mud season adventure! 😀 At home I checked for ticks and thankfully didn't find any.   The walk totaled 3.5 miles.


The road.
 Tunnel to the other side

Pretty colors as the sun got low on the opposite horizon.

That fresh air feeling and smell that is still lingering on my senses is my happy for today.


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