Thursday, May 31, 2018

Farm day-short

It isn't very often that someone can look at the tread on their shoes and see that there is barely any and say that that is a good thing.  Today when I got back to my cousin's house after walking through the cow pastures was one of those days.  No mud or manure on the bottom of this person's shoes.  😎  That and just getting out there to take the short a walk are my happy things for today.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Small Steps

The early bedtime plans I had were not to be.  I fell asleep when I got home from the after work D&D planning meeting.  My daughter is struggling with the Whole 30 food plan we are all working on as a family.  She says she will give it one week and if her mood swings don't stabilize she will reenter small amounts of grain back into her diet.  I'm really hoping she is able to stick to this.  Mostly I am hoping the mood swings go away.  This is only the second day of the temporary eating plan and I am not really noticing any changes.  I was extremely tired this afternoon but I was also up late last night.  We had a late dinner and I went out for a walk after until I got my steps in for the day.  Now is the wind down time before sleep.  The warmer weather has made my bedroom almost too warm to sleep comfortably.

There are a few happy things for me today, and they are all because I went for a walk tonight.  The first is just that, that I got off my bottom and went out to get my steps, I even did a tiny bit of jogging.  The second is the smell of some flower, maybe roses (it seems early for roses though), that I passed while on my walk.  Whatever the flower, it was lovely to walk through the cloud of its fragrance.  The last thing is the moon that was rising over the neighborhood.  Yesterday it was full.  The picture is a bit grainy.  There were a couple of places that may have presented a more scenic view of the moon tonight, but they were over houses and it seemed rather inappropriate to be taking pictures over/towards peoples homes late at night.  😮

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


First day on the Whole 30 diet plan and I already had a little mess up.  Well, two I guess.  The first is that I forgot to weigh myself this morning.  The second is that I forgot and had a couple of Altoids.  Tomorrow will hopefully be better.  I haven't had as much prep time as I was hoping either. 

In an attempt to make this short my happy for today is the peach I had on my drive home from rehearsal.  Biting into that sweet, juicy fruit was perfect.  I was tired and that fruit woke me right up to finish the drive.         

                                                 From a walk I took just before rehearsal.                              

Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28th--Pictures from the weekend

After packing everything up we went out for breakfast and then home to unpacking and getting ready for the week ahead.  My happy for today will be when I crawl into my own bed in a few minutes for some comfy sleep.  🛏

Skyline was gorgeous on the ride up.  (May 25th)

This lovely lady did the driving so I didn't have to.
She's awesome. 

These pictures are from a class on fire and food.  (May 26th)
I really enjoyed learning about the plants and cooking them over the fire.
There was also a bowl and spoon that they started making.
So interesting! 

The moon that night. 

This kid balanced the two balls on top of each other! 

 Gideon and all the children get called into court and will get a toy.  (May 27th)
Following are some other pictures from court.

These two people are so kind and make such a cute couple. 

Kids getting ready for a show.

 Note the guy lines and the sign.  (May 28th)
There was definitely tripping over the guy lines.
Thankfully there was room there for it!  Hahaha!  😉 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27th

The mobile data for my phone will only let me do so much.  Tomorrow I should be able to post pictures.  For now I will just post my happy for today which was watching Gideon and friends give an impromptu performance after feast tonight.  It was Canocchio and was a quick show with cans as the main characters of Pinocchio and his grandfather.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 26th fire

Fish, flint, feast, fun and fire--these are things my day included.   In the morning I helped my daughter with a class she taught.  After lunch I took a nap.   Then came a class where they taught about fire and medieval cooking. 

There were fresh plants picked to cook,  a fish wrapped clay that was cooked over the fire, and cheese was made.  They also used hot embers to start burning a piece of wood out to make a bowl & another,  smaller one, into a spoon.  They also made char to be able to start campfires and there was flint to help as well.

After the feast and clean up K and I went visiting.  It was a very fun and relaxing day making the whole thing my happy for today.

May 25th 2018

 There is no internet that I know of where I am.   This will contain just my happy for today but I hope to add a picture or two when I have free WiFi.   My happy for today is the beautiful views my friend and I had on our ride to the event tonight.  

Thursday, May 24, 2018


This afternoon I visited the chiropractor.  It has been three or four months since my neck started to bother me.  Today it was still really tight when he adjusted it but it feels a bunch better than it has been.  So ice has been a good thing for it and I will try to remember to use that for a while longer. 

We needed a few things for dinner tonight so I emptied my backpack and walked to the grocery store.  When I walk places I try to make eye contact and at least give a little head nod to people I pass by.  Most people will ignore a passerby.  Sometimes I can tell by the body language whether someone will look my way or not and if not, I will also play that game and not look towards them.  Today I tried to look at people more than not and I was rewarded with more greetings and the return of head nods.  My happy for today is greeting the people on the street and getting a greeting/response  in return.                                                 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cemetery Day

Every year, just before Memorial Day, my family takes a day and plants flowers on some of the family graves.  I took a half day off from work to do this today.  We visit six different cemeteries, go out to lunch and later for ice cream.  Z ended up working really late last night and got the day off so he was able to join K, Gideon, an aunt, cousin and myself.  Usually he is at work.  Getting together and doing this is my happy for today.  I took many pictures throughout the day, some just of landscape.

We try to clean up the stones a little bit.

Poor Santa. 


Some pretty spectacular clouds.