Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Ides of March--short

There is a craft night between work and home on Thursday nights that I keep trying to attend and for one reason or another, don't make it there.  Today I almost fell asleep in a class and decided that being up late (again) is probably a bad idea.  More specifically, driving late tonight will be a bad idea.  It is dinner time, I am home alone, and seriously considering eating and going to bed.  Then paying the consequences of waking up at 3 AM. 

Later... but I didn't.  I ate, did some treasurer stuff, played a little on the computer and finished making some earrings.  It is almost 9 PM and I am finishing this up and trying for sleep.  My happy for today is that K & Z are at a ballet tonight, Gideon took the time to give me hugs and kisses before spending the night with his other grandparents and I made my St. Patrick's Day earrings before St. Patrick's Day.  😊

Morning sky.

Newly made earrings
Don't look too close
I'm still new at this. 


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