Thursday, March 29, 2018


It has been a frigid, snowy winter and I have left my items in storage untouched.  Stopping by today I am reminded of the overwhelming task I have ahead of me to sort through and empty it-or at least downsize.  I pulled a few games out and the loom I have been looking for.  Weaving on my friend's loom a few weeks ago was fun, but working on my own project will be good.  A few things got moved around.  There are times when I find I can get rid of things easily, unfortunately those times are few and far between.  Today I looked at some things and thought I would want them if I am living on my own again-so keep.  Of course a hand mixer is important.  Sitting here writing this I am able to put into perspective the cost of a new hand mixer vs the cost of the storage unit.  I should make myself a poster for the storage area to remind myself that even the things that are important, if replaceable, can go away unless I can use them now.  The things that are personal and not replaceable and bring me joy are what can be saved.  A brief search led me to a website with this flowchart.  Coming up with a poster will be easier now.  😎

All that said, making it to the storage unit is my happy for today.  Even if only a for little bit, it was a productive thing to do. 

And how about this sunrise?


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