Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Happy Spring! -Poem included

This afternoon I tried to finish my homework assignment for the Travel Writing class.  It was really bad.  Words just weren't coming to me.  That has been happening a lot lately.  I took a walk, wrote a poem and asked K to help me edit the homework.  The walk helped a bunch and I would like to think that I could have edited it more myself, but she worked on it while I had my dinner.  She found all the spots that had been troubling me and probably a few more.  It is done and sent and I will learn how good or bad it is tomorrow at class.

Gideon had the hiccups tonight before bed and K, his mom, joked with him that his hiccups could be spread to others by giving them goodnight kisses.  I am now sitting here typing with the hiccups.  This is how old wives' tales get their start.  😅

That said, my happy for today is that I wrote a poem.  I've been feeling like my creative juices have been clogged in the drain lately and that I got bunches of words together to rhyme is a step in the right direction.

Warm Thoughts...
The first day of spring
Pink sky, sun setting
Boots along the street
Sound on the concrete
Dark snow melting black
A wet bare foot track
Cold’s still in the air
No shoes? Would I dare?
Not along this block
Summer I may walk
Bare feet on the ground
Making not a sound
Soft earth beneath me
Smell of a pine tree
Mud between my toes
Where a warm wind blows
I pull my hat down
Against the cold around
Dream of warmer days
Along greener ways


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