Friday, March 2, 2018

Social Day

Today was supposed to be lunch with a few cousins and my aunt from my mother's side of the family.  The weather didn't cooperate and some folks couldn't come.  We are hoping to reschedule that group in April, during school spring break.  K, Gideon and I did meet up with my aunt and her grandson, who turned 31 today.  The pictures on the news are showing some major flooding and damage by the coast so it is probably good that the original plan to meet near the beach was canceled.  We went to one place for lunch and then across the street to Friendly's for ice cream dessert. 

After that we went and visited an aunt on my father's side of the family and my cousin and her husband.  Another nice visit and I got my Christmas present from my aunt.  She is so good to me.  She is also my Godmother.  While we were there, they heard about someone nearby that had a tree fall on their home from the wind (no one hurt) and then the power went out.  I took some back roads part of the way home and we had no problems. 

This evening I walked to craft night across town.  The wind is not as strong anymore and the rain has stopped here, at least temporarily.  The drawn work embroidery that I learned about at the event last weekend, I worked on a bit tonight.  I showed it to a friend that embroiders professionally and he said I seemed to be doing it right.  We talked a bit and I told him I was thinking of doing something with it for modern clothes, not SCA and he brought down some books to look at.  I have ideas and hope to actually do and complete them. 

To end the evening I have been happily chatting with a friend from almost 30 years ago.  We have seen each other at events now and again but haven't had lots of time to talk.  I had questions that I thought he might have ideas for and we have been messaging most of the evening.  Hopefully I haven't taken him from his family time too much. 

All-in-all a very good day for us despite the weather.  Hopefully the damage has been mostly superficial.  Today was a happy day.

Lunch time!

 Gideon is reading his menu through the IPad.

River pictures 

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