Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patrick's Day

There was a medieval event that my protege and I drove to today about 2.75 hours away.  There were other close friends there as well.  This event was themed mostly around weaving and the fiber arts.  There were 5 hours of classes and an hour for fantastic lunch.  I managed to find a class to go to for every period.  The first two I took were weaving related: warping a 4-harness loom and brocading.  The other classes were smocking an apron, making shoes and making a medieval tape measure.  All were very interesting and I feel like I learned a bunch.  

Six of us met for dinner after.  Good food and great company have left me exhausted.  There were many wonderful things today but I am choosing the warping class as today's happy.  For more than 5 years I have had a 4-harness loom waiting to warp it.  I have heard how hard it is to warp and that is takes so much time and I have read about it and some things have made it look like a long, hard process and some made it look complicated.  My brain kept asking me why it couldn't be done a different way that seemed easier and faster.  All these things gave me reasons (excuses) to not try.  Today the way my imagination thought it could be done was demonstrated and the fear I had fabricated has gone away.  Now I just need to find a place to actually be able to set up the loom and be able to use it.  Someday.

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