Friday, March 30, 2018

Thankful that the work week is over.

Opening the door this morning I was met by a cacophony of birds, their sweet song giving me energy.  Yesterday's frost on my car was replaced this morning by dew.  The overcast sky seemed to heighten the sounds and smells of spring.

Sitting on the porch after work I imagine finding my sleeping bag and trying to sleep out here.  Would my sleeping bag be warm enough?  How hard is the wood decking?  What would the neighbors think?  Oh, they have a back deck too.  The neighbors won't know if I sleep out on the back porch.  It won't happen.  My sleeping bag is at home and I am cat/house sitting.  But it was a lovely day dream.  At home there is no porch to sleep out on.

Since I am not at home I considered not going to craft night, just because it is farther away and I knew I would be tired.  Instead, I asked for a ride from a friend and she and her husband picked me up.  We stopped at a rest area for dinner.  There is a little shop there that sells handmade items, almost all are one of a kind.  They are also all over my current budget which probably shouldn't have included the tasty caprese sandwich I got for dinner.  Eating is important though, and I am not broke, just want to save more.  There were just enough people at craft night, around 10.  Busy, but not crowded and not too few people that conversation was a problem.  I worked a little on the apron I am smocking.  Well, I cut out everything that I had done so far that was in white (on white) and started over again with red.  I like the contrasting color much better.  There were a few pictures from a long time ago that were passed around on cell phones and some old stories too.  Time with friends and especially the car ride and conversation are my happy things for today.

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