Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Weather Rambles-short

Tomorrow's forecast calls for snow starting in the afternoon and school has already called an early release so I will be out early.  Thursday's forecast is a bit more iffy.  I heard that the snow would be over early afternoon and then I heard early, early morning.  It could also turn to rain.  If it turns to rain there may be school on Thursday.  I'm kind of hoping for no school.  One of the problems with not living too close to the school is that the weather could be much different at home than it is at school.  In this case it could mean that home has 18 inches of snow and school has rain.  Ah, spring in New England!  😀

My neck and shoulders are stil bothering me.  It has been a few weeks now.  My chiropractor helped, but it didn't last.  I think it is mostly muscle tension in nature.  Before dinner tonight K rubbed my neck and shoulders and put some Tiger Balm on them.  That is my happy for today-massage.  🙌

Morning Sky

I was told my hair looked really nice-I don't see it! 


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