Monday, March 12, 2018


New snow falls to replace the drip, drip of the old snow melting from the roof.  March is a fickle lion with snow melt one day and storm the next.  This moment is that in between part as the storm of tomorrow rolls in over today's almost springlike weather. 

Tomorrow was to be a professional development day at my school but they canceled, due to weather, at lunch time.  K has yet to hear whether Gideon's school will cancel or not.  I have mixed feelings about another snow day.  At this point the last day for staff is June 27th.  This is using up all the allotted snow days, plus one for tomorrow's professional development day.  So one less day of pay now will be one more day of pay for the summer.  Looking at the positive! 

Dinner tonight was one of my favorites, BLT's.  Not the healthiest meal, but a tasty one and my happy for today.  When I was a kid I used to love salt pork.  I have yet to encounter salt pork as an adult that tastes anything like what I remember as a child, but my dad called me the 'salt pork kid'.  When we traveled and would stop to eat at a restaurant I would always want a BLT, no mayo, not toasted.  That is still how I like them.  Although I am better than I was, I'm still a picky eater.  😶  It gets in my way sometimes. 


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