Friday, March 23, 2018


At craft night I worked on a spreadsheet.  This seems to be a recurring thing for me.  It comes from being treasurer for so long I suppose.  Some people expect to talk to me about numbers.  I am okay with that.  Tonight someone came to craft night that wanted advice on a budget she is getting ready to present for approval.  The event site has raised their fee so we worked on the budget (which has a potential loss) and then discussed other options that might be available for this event.  So very little got done on the smocking I brought with me to work on.  I am okay with that too. 

There is so little that I can discuss about work, let me just say that school has had an eventful week.  With everything going on it the world it is no wonder.  That said, things could have been so much worse than they were and are tiny in comparison to the news makers.  I remain thankful for the job, the teachers and the students that make each day a new experience.  My happy things for today are the students who help when desks need to be moved, or chairs put up; the ones who ask how the adults are doing and seem to really want to know things, not just distract; and the ones who are different and just want to be heard.  🙋



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