Monday, March 5, 2018

Back to Work. short

The day back from vacation and the students didn't want to be there.  This was no surprise and they did become better behaved as the day went by and the routine started coming back.  So many tired people.  Monday is Dungeons and Dragons Club after school.  It is fun, but loud.  The teacher was able to get donations from a gaming store of some dry erase gaming maps and a bunch of dice.  Most of the kids are having a blast playing after school.  It brings me back to when I used to think about having a place where people could come to and game.  It is an idea that I've had and never done anything with and now others are doing it.  Some day I hope to act on an idea I have and profit from it, at least a little.  😉

After work I went for a walk with my friend from work.  It was a nice but cold day and we walked over 3 miles.  Home and I am exhausted.  I am unable to hold onto a thought before starting to drift off to sleep so I am going to try to do that,  My happy for today is student laughter.  😜


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