Saturday, December 22, 2018


Today was my friend in Texas' birthday and I forgot to call until it was too late to call.  Hopefully she was having a particularly lovely day with family and friends and when I call tomorrow I can hear all about it.

We did a little bit of Christmas shopping today.  I plan to finish tomorrow.  No, that isn't true.  I plan to finish shopping for everyone that I need to buy for by Christmas, the rest can be done after.  Some people were blessed with an ability to know what people want and are able to chose just the right gift.  I am not that person.  Every once in a while I will come up with something good, but that is rare for me.  My happy for today is when I realized that making a decision about buying a particular gift was causing me to have a bit of an anxiety attack  They were very similar in features and the same price.  I was going to research more and look for ratings but there was no internet service in the store, so I acknowledged to myself the anxiety and just picked the one I thought looked best.  Phew. 

In the passenger seat,
I tried to get a picture of the river.
 But, highway, so we kept on moving.
The river was dark and cold looking.
It was a beautiful mad looking thing.

The afternoon sky turning pink.

Alaska plate in front of us.

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