Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Deepish Thoughts

One of the reasons I first started writing a blog was to search for things that helped make me happy or that I am thankful for during the day.  I've pretty much always had mild depression and I had heard that looking for something to be happy or thankful for could help.  It kind of did.  I would pay attention a little more to my surroundings and small things would stick out and make me smile.  I tried to remember these things and wrote about before bed. 

For reasons that I am not sure of, I don't tend to look for these things any more.  I'm not sure why and the reasons aren't as important as finding my way back to doing that.  It isn't that I haven't found happy things or things that I am thankful for, but I don't look for them like I used to.  It was a TEDx program that I listened to today that reminded that looking for these things are part of the work that has to be done in order for the magic to happen.  So although there are things that make me happy like family and friends and nature that I write about here, I am going to try to look harder for more detail and perhaps notice more things. 

That said, today I visited a friend who wasn't feeling that well.  She has been going through quite a bit of stress lately and was fighting a headache.  Eventually the medicine kicked in and she let a bit of a smile come through.  This was a happy thing.  Not a happy haha, but a lightening of my heart for a moment.  Too much sadness lately, every smile is a good thing.  😎

The darkness in the distance is a front moving in.
Or maybe just moving by, things are cloudy, but no precipitation.

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