Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Solstice!

It was the last day of school before break and I am so glad that that part of the day is over.  The teachers try to work on all the end of unit stuff earlier in the week so that the last day can be used as catch up for anyone who is behind and fun activities for the rest of the students.   One of the things we did was watch a movie.  This was The Ultimate Gift, and it was a tearjerker.  The audience didn't get all the miracles that one would hope for in a Christmas movie, but it was a good story.

After work I went home and my daughter and I had a meeting with the current Baroness to talk plans for the investiture.  The incomplete thrones were delivered today too.  We need to fine sand them, stain and paint them, and then protect them.  All the planning and little things to prepare for the end of January are my happy things for today.

For Solstice I found a website with some awesome pictures from space showing how the sun hits the earth to bring us different seasons.. 

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