Saturday, December 8, 2018

Mid-winter Celebration

It has been a long day.  We had an SCA event to celebrate the season.  We also were supposed to choose the next Champion of the Arts and Sciences.  With so many things to do, we weren't able to get all the rubric scores together and determine the winner.  All the entrants were so great.  There were three different types of needlework, four different performance pieces and a calligraphy and illumination submission that included the paints, the brushes and quills used.  So many beautiful things and so much work to get them all done. 

The long day has completely caught up to me and I keep falling asleep.  To sum up the day there was a meeting, an event with a feast, an Arts & Sciences competition, games and prizes for all the children, SCA fighting, a puppet show, a few people presented me with gifts (wow, humbled), caroling, and almost 100 people enjoying the day together.  Within all the merriment I am going to zero in on something that is a bit more personal for my happy thing for the day.  Within the SCA many people form groups called households.  These are not official parts of the SCA but unofficial ones that people have and they all work differently.  Some friends and I have been working to restructure and start anew a household and today we asked in four new members.  Well, two people who were there and their spouses who were not able to attend the event.  It was a joyful loving thing as five of us stood there in a huddle asking the new people in and talking a little about the household.  Our little household had only five people in it and, if they say yes, will grow to nine.  I'm excited to be a part of this.  So many people worked to make this a special day and I am so grateful to them all.

Here are a few pictures.  
None of the Arts and Sciences unfortunately.

This lovely lady is the giver of the children's prizes. 

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