Friday, December 28, 2018

The Car

The car I drive originally belong to my cousin.  It was left to me when she passed away, partially because I needed a car but mostly because I drove her to most of her appointments.  It has survived multiple accidents and has a little over 250,000 miles on it.  In my last job I drove, a lot, and needed tires about every year around this time.  This year I did not need new tires but there were a few other things that need to be fixed before it can have a safe inspection sticker.  Today the big items were done at a shop, last week we fixed the door handle and over the weekend I hope to replace the windshield wipers and clean up the headlights enough to pass the inspection.  I made the appointment to get this all finished for next week so I won't forget.  Getting the car worked on and having a fairly slack day other than that (with a friend!) are my happy things for the day.

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