Thursday, February 1, 2018

Comfort Zones

The new quarter at school started this week and with it I have a new class to aide in.  The class is about school spirit, cooperation, team building and positive things like that.  I am looking forward to seeing how the students will grow as the class progresses.  One of the activities they did today was to choose which part of the room to go to based on comfort zones.  Comfortable, stretching and panic were the choices.  It was started with sky diving.  There were more kids that I expected that were comfortable with that one.  I surprised myself by not quite going to panic from the stretching section over spiders, and happily went to the comfortable side when the subject was bees.  I remember when I lived in California and there was a black widow under the sink--I panicked.  A tarantula in the yard, I panicked.  I remember panicking over a bee in my house before too.  I don't tend to panic as much over these things anymore.  I think that is a good thing.  There are other things like public speaking that I put myself closer to panic than not but I still do on occasion.  At least I believe that speaking to a class is public speaking.  It is easier to not panic when I don't know I am going to have to speak to a group.

Visiting a friend today is my happy.  We had a nice visit, dinner and relaxing.  And now it is sleepy time,

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