Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super bowl Day

Early/mid afternoon

The Patriots and the Eagles are this year's Super Bowl teams.  Tonight I will be watching this with friends and family.  I want to imagine that Gideon will watch and not be bored with the game.  We shall see.  I am writing this up early so that I can put my head down to sleep earlier rather than later.  Kick-off is supposed to be around 6:30 tonight so I figure I will be up late.   I expect to add a last paragraph with the results before I post.

This morning my daughter, K, and I took a big leap and we each joined Planet Fitness.  We committed to a year and went full in with the more expensive option that allows reciprocal use around the country as well as being able to bring a friend for free every time.  The idea is that either of us can bring her husband, Z, along and the other can watch Gideon.  Also, I believe I will be able to go to other locations and meet up with a friend to exercise.  The financial commitment will hopefully get me motivated.  I love walking and hiking but that doesn't work my upper body and core as much as I need before summer. 

We are at a coffee shop with SCA friends and I am currently enjoying a decaf black tea, hot cinnamon spice flavored and it is delicious.  As soon as I finish up the Blog I will be doing school work/note taking so I can be more prepared for tomorrow and hopefully some of the students will be too.  There is much discussion around the table about the upcoming elections for replacing the Baron and Baroness of our local group.  My daughter and I are considering as well as 2 others at the table this morning.  It is kind of funny how we keep changing partners to try to figure on the best combination for the Barony.  And I just heard more folks are joining us.  Yay!

Today is just turning out to be one happy day.  Although I am still a little apprehensive about the gym membership, I believe that is the old me peeking up that much more insecure self I used to be and I just need to push her down and continue to move forward with my life.  Meeting up with friends followed by the football game, all are happy things.

Evening/post game

The Eagles won the Super Bowl this year.  The majority of the room were rooting for the Patriots and are looking forward to the upcoming Olympic Games now.  Still a great party with a fabulous hostess.  Gideon did indeed get a bit bored but he was still fairly well behaved for a 6 year old.  Eventually he napped a bit.  😴


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