Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Monday

There is a class I am taking after school, for school, on crisis prevention.  I wonder if anything like that even existed while I was in 7th grade.  That would have been in the late 1970's.  I like to think that it didn't, at least in my town.  I realized today that the class size where I para is close to what I had for 7th & 8th grade.  Things have changed dramatically.  Did ADD even have that label then?  I don't think so.  Kids were just hyperactive.  So many different things that I never heard of in my small protected town back in the day.  Yep, I sound my age when I say stuff like that.  😄

Staying later at work was kind of tiring, but still no where near as long a day as what I used to work in my old job.   I still won't hit 40 hours this week.  Reminding myself of that is how I managed to haul myself out again and go to the gym tonight.    When I was walking regularly a while back... I tried to write a poem in my head.   At the gym I listen to music with Pandora.   I'm not sure if I will be able to get quite as inspired to poetry sweating on a tread mill, listening to music and watching like 10 bog screen TV's that I can't hear.  Or maybe it could be a country song.  I walked a little over 2.5 miles (I think) on the tread mill which managed to exceed my step goal and had me a little over 11,000 steps.  I decided to ride the stationary bike for a little bit.  After 4 miles I decided to see how my steps were doing and I had a little more over 11,000.  Turns out my pedometer moved on my body and was no longer counting.  I readjusted and it started counting my pedaling again.  I finished up on the bike reminding myself that the count of steps isn't important, the fact that I am exercising is is what counts.

Yesterday I had car problems.  Today my absolutely fantastic son-in-law, Z, got it fixed.  At first the mechanic couldn't get the problem to repeat.  They decided that there must be some air in the brake lines.  In the process of bleeding them they found a clogged something and a brake piston that was sort of stuck and that my transmission fluid was virtually empty.  All of these things are taken care of thanks to Z and the mechanics.  This is today's happy!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Sleepy time for me.

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