Monday, September 24, 2018

Not too much special, Monday.

The students this year are more for me than last year.  Or perhaps I just forgot more this summer than I thought I had.  I'm feeling more drained after work.  Or maybe I am just a year older. 

K has been working on some new garb the last few days.  It is going to be fantastic.  A new style for her.  Well, it is actually man's garb, but she wears it well.  Z tried on the hat tonight and it looks awesome on him too.  My daughter and her husband are just too cute sometimes.  There was much complimenting on how well the hat looked on them both and I think they may have some matching garb in the future.  😄

Last night my hope to fall asleep without a problem didn't happen.  I'm hoping better for tonight.  I think the shower/ wet hair kept me awake.  I ended up Googling a sleep meditation to listen to, it took longer than I expected, but I did fall asleep before it finished.  I forgot to set my alarm but somehow managed to get up and out of the house on time.  I think that is my happy for today.  Well, maybe that and seeing Gideon get ready for his Scout meeting tonight.


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