Sunday, September 16, 2018

Mountains -- lots of pics

There was a meeting today about an hour north of us for our SCA group.  It was in a pretty part of the state near the White Mountain National Forest.  During the meeting I made the mistake of using the word -we- in reference to the entire local group and it was taken as if I meant -we- as in myself and my daughter.  Since we decided to accept the nomination to possibly become the next Baron and Baroness of our group I have done this a few times.  Every time meaning -we- the Barony, not -we- the candidates.  It has made me wonder how often I must have used -we- and no one thought anything of it because I wasn't part of a pair running for office.  I am not trying to be presumptuous.  I have no idea who will win.  While living in the Barony, I have been involved, it is highly unlikely that I will not continue to be involved and consider myself part of -we- the Barony.  There are so many friends that I would miss.

After the meeting and lunch a few of us went north to go Geocaching.  We ended up exploring around the Basin.  We were on a tiny part of the Appalachian Trail.  My plan was to see the Basin and then do some wandering and let the others geocache.  I've enjoyed looking for caches in the past but wanted to walk a bit.  I ended up climbing up to help them find it and did exploring where it was supposed to be.  I had pretty much given up when I spotted the cache.  It was fun and is one of many things I should probably do more often. 

The mountains were beautiful.  There are a few leaves hinting at turning yellow or orange but mostly still green.  Near where the geocache was, there were quite a few trees that had moss along the root area that looked like perfect fairy or gnome homes.  It was a magical area that was just off a trail and would have been missed otherwise.  This is my first happy of today.  The second is finding the geocache and the third is that I was able to be out today with friends and get to know some folks a little better.  The fourth is my cold seems to be fading a bit and just leaving an occasional cough and slight congestion, so much better than it had been.

We were a bit ahead of the group.

Lightning strike or just old and cracking? 

The Basin 

Perhaps I should have asked them to pose...

Serious fairy or gnome city... 

The shots with the the finding of the geocache. 



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