Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday Snow Day

Another snow day.   I spent today cleaning up my room, weaving and relaxing with Minecraft.  That game has become my new addiction.  While cleaning and weaving I watched some YouTube videos of Darwin on the Trail.  He does reviews of things he takes hiking as well as talks about the different hikes he does.

The call to cancel school came just as I was getting into the shower.  Since I knew I would need to go to the parking garage, I didn't go back to sleep but got ready for the day.  After breakfast I went for a walk and paid for parking.  The city was waking up.  There were people shoveling, plowing and snow-blowing.   I remembered to put my snow cleats onto my boots so I wouldn't slip.  I realized as I walked around downtown that I shouldn't go inside any of the local places with those cleats on my shoes, I would mess up the floors.   The walk felt good and is today's happy.  I still have a lingering cough from the cold earlier this year, but I think I need to get out more anyways.  Not for long periods of time or when it is super cold, at least, not until the cough is even more gone. 

Over the summer this walkway had umbrellas hanging throughout.  Now it appears to have icicles, probably the light-up kind.  Maybe I will get there after dark before it changes again.  😊


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