Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy Tuesday!

There was a delayed opening at school today so I, of course, was almost late.  Something about throwing extra time at me, than I use too much.  It was good that the day was shortened since I am still not feeling the best.  After work I set off to finish the step challenge my friend set up.  I went to a mall and walked a bit over 5 miles to finish the 10 miles I started yesterday.  Ten miles just doesn't seem as long to me as it used to.  Had the weather been nicer and I didn't have this cold it would have been great to have done the 10 miles outside.  Now I ask myself if I will be able to build walking/exercise back into my routine where it needs to be.

There were other people that I noticed today walking the mall.  When one passes another a few times going in opposite directions it gets obvious.  There was also a couple I got behind for a few minutes that obviously were doing the perimeter-basically a u-turn in front of a store-like me.  There was an older gentleman that would smile at me as we passed each other.  And another that would just not make contact.  I wonder if there is some protocol that I should know if I was to walk the mall all the time.  Eye contact or no?  Clock-wise or widdershins?  Loop out at every foyer or just pass them by?  Silly things.

Some time ago I went to a mall before most of the stores were open hoping for some Cinnabon rolls.  There were quite a few people that were obviously walking the mall (most open for walkers between 6-7 AM), mostly women.  There were a fair amount of men sitting and chatting or just hanging out.  I wondered how many were the spouses of the women walking and how many were just there to watch the walkers.  It seemed like the perfect place to set up a match making service for the retirement community.  Instead of an 8 minute speed date at a table, 10 minutes around the mall.  😁 

Which all leads me to my happy for today of being the first to finish that 10 mile challenge in our little group.  I really didn't expect to be first, I thought that by the time I was out of work someone else would have already completed it.  My goal was to finish today and I met that goal.  I'd also like to pat myself on the back-I must have gone by that Cinnabon 6, maybe 8 times and not bought any.  😇

Sun setting over the mall parking lot.

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