Friday, January 12, 2018

Science project?

This morning I was able to leave for work a little later because it was a Professional Development day.  They start about a half hour later than the school day.  Because of this I got to see my daughter and grandson, Gideon, before I left.  Usually they are still asleep.  My daughter came in to let me know about some exciting surprise news that I can't talk about yet.  She gets to help make the surprise and is very excited.  I hope to help her design it over the weekend.  It is all very exciting and is my happy for today.  The surprise won't happen until the end of the month but there is much to do before then.

Another thing that I hope to be part of before the other surprise is to help Gideon with a project.  The group we belong to, SCA, has events and often times there is an arts and science display or competition.  Gideon noticed at one that everything was arts and there was no science being displayed.  This bothered him.  So now he wants to do a science project to display.  This is a medieval recreation group so he will be most likely be recreating someone else's experiment or a project from prior to 1600.  He got a book over Christmas that should be able to help with that.   Having a project might help me get off the computer more often too.  😵


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