Thursday, January 11, 2018

Waiting for a muse

There is a heat wave happening and the snow is melting.  It was around 50 degrees today.  There is still a cough from my post Christmas cold so I am not going for long walks until there is more improvement.  Others I have talked to have said that this season's cold just wants to hang on.  The cold can let go now.  😃

It seemed to be a family day today.  There was mail for my nephew in my mail box this afternoon.  When I dropped it off I ended up having a nice visit with my brother and sister-in-law and their grandkids.  I briefly saw their daughter too.  Everyone except for the person the mail was for.  Later when I was home I got a phone call from a cousin.  She had had a very detailed dream that she wanted to share with me.  Most of our family and some of her friends were in it, dead and alive and she thought the dream might be trying to tell her something.  It was a good visit and talk.  Family is today's happy place for me.

This morning-pre sunrise.

For whatever reason I have been having a hard time writing lately.  Really hoping that my muse will return soon.


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