Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19th-Friday

Wednesday was a snow day so Thursday kind of felt like a Monday to me.  When I got to work and someone said "Happy Friday" to me, it was almost a surprise.  I knew it was Friday, I wore jeans to work in honor of the day, but it didn't really feel like a Friday until someone said it.  I stayed to visit with some teachers for a little bit after work.  I had an appointment to get my oil changed and I fell asleep in the waiting room.  Will I catch up on sleep this weekend?  Doubt it.  I did make sure my alarm won't go off Saturday morning though.  

In the evening my daughter, grandson and I went to Craft Night.  This is just what it implies, friends getting together to do crafts.  My daughter made buttons, I think, Gideon played with a Lego set and I did more weaving.  There are places where I can tell that I made a mistake by the way the cards are positioned or the side of the weft is on but I can't SEE where these are.  So if a mistake can't be seen, I guess it stays.  

Below is a close up of the weaving project.  The cards that I mentioned are the cardboard with the 4 holes cut out.  The threads that pass through the holes are the warp and the thread that is on the shuttle and goes through the space made by the cards is the weft.  Tablet weaving is a warped faced weave, meaning the threads that are seen and make up the pattern come almost exclusively from the warp threads.  The pattern looks different on the top of the band then the underneath. 

Played checkers with a student today.  I chose not to jump one of their pieces because it would have resulted in losing mine.  What resulted was a stalemate!  Now, late in the evening, I am wondering if it is against the rules to not take an opponents piece if the opportunity arises.  The student won the next game.  

Weaving is today's happy.

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