Friday, October 19, 2018

On Happiness

After what seemed a long day at work I decided to go out for a walk.  I wanted to try to get back up to the fire tower that I went to a few weeks ago.  My GPS took me to a slightly different place.  Okay, I decided to follow the directions that the GPS suggested and therefore try the trail on the west side of the hill rather than the east.  The result was a longer route to the tower and so I didn't make it all the way there today.  The path was much different in that it was a walking trail, where from the east it was more of a dirt service road to allow trucks and utility vehicles access to the fire/radio/cell towers.  Had I gone the service road up I most likely would have made it to the tower before dark and allowed myself time and come back down as twilight set in.  Finding a leaf covered trail, that I am not familiar with, under those conditions would not have been wise.  Walking the road, while perhaps not being the smartest choice in dim light, would have been much safer, relatively speaking.  I learned that the road route is shorter than the trail too.  

Many thanks to the lovely friend of mine that has helped to motivate me to walk more again.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate more often than not and we can continue walking at least once a week throughout the winter.  Thanks to my friend in Texas, it was wonderful to laugh with you today on the phone.  I have been away for the last few days and got a big welcome from the family upon my return.  There was a bit of laughter tonight too for which I am grateful.  Mostly Z and I picking on each other about my not liking many of the foods that he finds, um, normal? er delicious? Whatever.   All these things and my walk are my happy things for today.  

There are a few things that, in the past, have helped me be happier/less depressed.  These are: forcing a few laughs out in the morning before really beginning my day, finding things to reflect on from the day that I am grateful for or made me happy, enough exercise and enough sleep.  Part of the reason I started blogging a few years ago was to consciously think of something every day that I was happy or grateful for.  The blogging has been a constant even though the exercise, sleep and laughter have not.  It is my intention to work harder at doing these things going forward.  There are so many wonderful and fantastic people and things in the world and they are better experienced with a more positive outlook.  I've been listening to the book Broadcasting Happiness by Michelle Gielan and it has reminded me of how important just offering up a smile to someone can be.  So I am working on thinking positively as I work through grief and anxiety.  I think I got this, thanks to friends and family.   Hugs!

I call this tree formation, 'The Fisherman.'
It may be that I need to go back with a sheet or something as a backdrop to get the appropriate camera view and vantage point for better effect. 

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