Monday, April 16, 2018

Rainy Days and Mondays

Spirit Week at school means I get to wear things I might not normally wear.  Today was just class colors so I wore red.  Tomorrow is fashion disaster and crazy hair day.  I found a combination that is a clashing.  Then is Western Wednesday and I don't have much for that.  Thursday is pirate day, I am looking forward to that day, but I can't find some of my garb that I think will kind of work.  Friday is school pride day so it will just be a school tee-shirt & jeans. 

Last night I fell asleep with Dungeon and Dragons Youtube videos playing.  Just after 4 AM I woke up thinking that something was really wrong with the sound coming out of the computer.  After muting it I realized that the sound was coming from outside my window.  The scraping of windshields and the cursing that went along with it lasted most of the morning.  First one car, then another, and another.  It was apparently quite the job.  My car was in a parking garage so I just had to walk in the freezing rain to get to it, but there was no ice to scrape.  Had this storm brought just snow, there would be over a foot out there to shovel.  Rainy day song for today.

Most of the plants at school are doing well.  There are buds on some and we are hoping to be able to cross pollinate them on Wednesday or Thursday.

Setting my head back and thinking about what my happy for today could be I notice a spot on the ceiling that I don't remember seeing before.  Like someone didn't do a second coating of paint in one spot.  The roof seems to be leaking!  Not dripping yet, but...  There is now a bucket on my bed that will hopefully catch anything should the rain continue to fall.  And perhaps this song is more fitting, since it is Monday.

Now, back to a happy thing for today... Watching Vin Diesel play D&D this morning.  It was fun and gave me some ideas about how to play the game.  I'm also happy that I looked up and noticed the wet ceiling in time to put a bucket under it. 


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