Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mount Major

Spring is finally here, but there is still snow in the mountains.  For about the last month and half, maybe two months my left foot has been making me very aware of its presence in an unhappy sort of way.  Today I climbed Mount Major anyway.  I only slipped and fell once and that was not because of my foot.  Climbing up the trail didn't seem too slippery even where there was snow/ice/mud.  I spent some time resting and wandering around the top and by the time I headed back down things had melted a little more and were a bit more slippery.  I seem to just have very minor scrape on my arm from the fall.  Tomorrow bruises may turn up, but for now everything seems good. 

This evening a friend and I went to a craft night that I hadn't been to before.  I brought the smocking I have been working on but I have reached a point where I need to read what the next step is and couldn't concentrate on that so I tried to socialize instead.  It was a good group of people, some that I had met before and others that I had not.  I need to get better at introducing myself.  It was a nice evening.  Next time I hope to not be so tired.  😴

Going up.

At the top. 

Going down. 


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