Saturday, April 21, 2018

Discover WILD NH

There was a fairly local event today called Discover WILD NH.  Gideon and I went, a little later than I had hoped because he decided he wanted eggs in a basket for breakfast.  I had never made eggs in a basket before so first there were Youtube how-to videos, then came the eggs in a basket.  I think I did pretty well for the first time.  I am thinking about ways to change it up a little next time, we'll see.  

By the time we got to Discover WILD NH the parking options were limited.  It was about a 12 minute walk from the car to the entrance.  The first thing Gideon wanted to see was the Cub Scout booth.  After that we found the live animal exhibit where there was a red-tailed hawk and a barn owl that we got to see and learn about.  People were packed into the room.  When that ended we made the mistake of wandering a little aimlessly around.  Gideon wanted to go to see Puppy Love, which I thought had to do with the Labradors that were supposed to be there.  He was a little upset with me that I didn't know that Puppy Love was a hot dog stand.  I couldn't imagine how he could be hungry after the breakfast we had, but we ended up standing in the very long line so he could have a hot dog.  We made a plan for what to do once the task of eating was complete.  

First, we looked for a pond that we thought would have some kind of booth but didn't.  It was a yard pond that was in need of spring cleaning.  We then found the Labradors.  We got there in between shows so just got to pet them for a few minutes and moved on to our next goal, the casting area. Gideon got to learn how to cast a fishing rod.  He had a hard time paying attention to where the rod was, accidentally bumping the rod into one of the instructors once.  I think he will figure that out with practice.  He practiced a few times and caught one of the 'fish.'

After that we looked for what we thought was a booth about bugs.  Gideon recently was gifted some bug collecting toys and was hoping to learn more about them.  This booth was selling protective clothing though instead of being a place to learn.  We had a good time, despite being a little disappointed over what we thought some of the things would be.  Next year maybe we will get there earlier and plan better.  😎

At home we played Catan Junior.  Somehow a bag of the game pieces is missing from the box.  We looked all over, but they were not to be found.  We were able to substitute some other items and play still.  Gideon won.

Getting out in the fresh air with Gideon and playing games are my happy things for today.  

Barn owl


This fella floated over the area where the stuffed birds were.

Learning to cast.  🎣

Fish for dinner!  😀

Catan Junior.  The gold is missing. 

🐟 🦌 🐕 🐛

🙏 Prayer request for Gideon's grandfather that he calls Totoro, after the movie character.  His gallbladder broke today and he is being operated on as I write this.

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