Monday, April 9, 2018


There was no school for me today because of a professional development day that was just for the teachers.  I had already signed up for a bio-metric screening so I had to go into work for a few minutes this afternoon anyway.  The blood test was fasting and I had an early breakfast and then did things to distract myself from eating.  Alternating between chores and video games is how I kept my mind off of food.  I don't feel like I normally eat anywhere near as often as it seems I want to when I am not supposed to.  For taking part in the screening I am supposed to be getting a check for $75.  I learned more about this health incentive plan and will be registering my Fit Bit into the system soon so that I can maybe make a couple dollars by walking. 

Today's happy: C called me tonight to let me know about the new place he and E just moved into over the weekend.  They found a place about 10-15 minutes from her job and across the street from his.  They both seem so excited to be starting out on this new adventure together.  💜

Just enough snow last night to blanket the earth.


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