Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Field Trip

Interviewing people is not something that comes naturally to me.   It is something that I was supposed to do this afternoon when we had a travel writing field trip at a local thrift store.  The assignment, more or less, was to look around the store for something that sparked interest and to interview someone there.  The story doesn't need to be about the store at all, but can be.  This place is packed with things, especially music related things- Cd's, records, posters, drums, guitars, old stereos, speakers, collectible figures, as well as cables, remote controls, dishes, hardware, lamps, etc.  I wish I cold say that I spoke to a bunch of different folks, but I only spoke to an employee who answered some questions about a plate that was for sale.  The plate was a personalized gift to a doctor, possibly for retirement?  I am pretty sure I was able to confirm that it was silver plated and not solid silver.  I'm sure that the person doing the pricing knew that, but I had to check.  A google search led me to believe that it would cost about $125.00 new.  It was tarnished and engraved so not of use to most people anymore.  There is a story there, not sure if it will classify as a travel story though.

My happy for today is exploring that store and that I managed to get out without buying anything.  So many things in this store sparked a memory or made me think of someone or another that would enjoy perusing the place.

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