Sunday, July 22, 2018

Small Stuff

The to-do list I made for myself still has too many things not checked off.  Out of the 14 things on the list, eight of them were worked on, so more than half.  Some of the things I decided not to do, like laundry can wait a few more days and some things I need to work with others in the house to complete and that didn't happen today.  When I get all those thoughts out, I think I accomplished enough for the day.  There were also things that I didn't anticipate, of course. 

My happy for the day are some of the accomplishments:
  • The meal plan for next week now has both lasagna and shepherd's pie frozen and packaged.
  • So many dishes are clean.
  • The sewing I wanted to do got done.  It isn't quite right, but what I set out to do got done.
  • I remembered to eat and drink water.
  • I did my general household bookkeeping.
Lately it is the small stuff that counts.  😊😊😊


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