Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Just a Happy

There is a podcast I started to listen to recently that was going to be my happy for today.  It is called Conversations With People Who Hate Me and is by Dylan Marron.  Mr Marron is an online performer who happens to received hateful, derogatory emails and in this podcast he gets in touch with and holds conversations with people who have basically bullied him.  So far they find some common ground to talk with each other about and the hate is over by the end of the podcast.  This was going to be my happy for today and then Gideon walked into my room.  Sorry Mr. Marron, but my six year old grandson wins out for today's happy.  We started talking about Pokemon and then went for a very short walk so I could catch a few before the day was over.  The weather outside this evening is lovely with a splash of breeze and Gideon had made up stories about Pokemon to energize our walk.  😊


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