Monday, July 2, 2018

Rail Trail Walk- with pictures

The heat is still overwhelming today. Despite the high temperatures, I decided to go for a walk in some random woods around the city prior to putting my car into a long term lot so as to avoid getting a ticket.  I headed towards a spot I had gone to before but didn't use the GPS'  As I drove by the street I should have taken, I knew it didn't matter.  Rather than turning around I kept going, and going, enjoying the air conditioned drive through the back roads.  Eventually I pulled over at the kind of small grocery plaza that can only exist in small towns, and looked at the GPS for a place to hike. 

What I found was a trail that started with just a pull-off on the side of the road.  It appeared that I could hike up Mount Kearsarge from this, Lincoln Trail, and avoid the State Park fees and probably avoid people too.  When I got there, the lot was empty and the trail had Keep Out signs posted with brush spread over the opening.  I wasn't really prepared to hike a mountain and would have just gone a little way and then come back, so I really didn't want to pay a fee for one of the other trails and so, I drove on, enjoying the AC. 

At some point I came to an intersection and instead of heading away from the city I went back towards it.  If I made it back and still didn't find a place to walk, I could go to Planet Fitness and walk in an air conditioned building.  I did find a trail, the Northern Rail Trail.  I parked, let K know where I was, and set off. 

There was just enough shade that it wasn't as completely hot as it seemed in the city.  Different flowers speckled the sides of the trail with oranges, yellows, purples and whites popping through all the green.  Bees were flitting from flower to flower pollinating.   Getting out for this walk is my happy for today.  The rest of the day I pretty much melted with the heat.  

A slow moving stream made its way away along one side of the trail with occasional back yards between woods on the other.

Not all the tracks were torn up.


I can't decide which of these pictures with the track I like better...  ↕

Teeny tiny strawberries.

Stacks of railroad ties were left to rot.

↑ Wilmot - Andover ↓ line.

This pile of railroad ties is being taken over by a tree.

Fairly certain that these are marking the miles between  White River Junction, VT and  Boston, MA.

Blooming rose...

Buzzing busy bee...

So hot
sweat drips
lick lips
sun block

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