Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day

Sitting in the living room I can hear the fireworks exploding in town.  They sound like it is a beautiful display.  I am good with missing them this year.  We spent the afternoon at a cookout with family and left before they set off their fireworks.  Fireworks are beautiful things from a distance for me.  It was good to visit with family and friends.  We don't see each other often and so it is good to catch up.   There were a bunch of kids toys out and after playing with the other kids Gideon sat by himself and played with a doll.  It was cute but I didn't get a picture.  I went by and commented something to him about the conversation he seemed to be having with his new friend (the doll).  He looked at me and said he was playing father, did I want to play mother with him?  I declined this time and he blew kisses to me.  Love my grandson.  💖

The big thing my kids and I tend to do for the 4th of July is to watch the musical 1776.  Here is some trivia about the movie.  One of the things I enjoy most about the movie is the exchanges between John and Abigail Adams.  They really did write back and forth all the time when he was in Philadelphia.  It was a happy day.

Gideon with a pinwheel that is hiding his new undercut.


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