Friday, July 20, 2018

Pink Flamingos!

As I set out to walk home from craft night tonight, I couldn't help but wonder what has been keeping me inside so much lately.  There are no good answers to that thought.  The weather is nice tonight, there was music coming out of some downtown establishments and the not downtown sections were peaceful with a half moon and Jupiter shining bright.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable walk.  I almost jogged a little, it felt so nice.

There is a walkway off of the downtown area that leads to a parking garage and a few shops.  Last year there were umbrellas hanging overhead and during the winter there were lighted icicles.  Tonight there are flamingos hanging overhead.  😎

The entire walkway wasn't covered so I am not sure if there will be a larger flock in the next few days or if this display is being kept small this year.  Either way, it is good to see something new there. 

It was a good day; Z is back from his visit to Oregon, I did a little bit of stitching, I helped move SCA things to storage, visited a little with friends and got out to craft  night across town.  My happy for today is the floating flamingos though.  I have been watching that area since spring, waiting for the icicles to come down and signs of summer to go up.


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