Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fragile Flower

At 10:15 PM, I just got home from a walk.  It was a nice long meandering walk through the city.  The first time I went by the bank with the temperature reading it was 82 degrees, the next time 78.  This is probably about 10 degrees less than last week.  It is a Sunday summer night.  The streets weren't busy, but there were still folks outside restaurants, walking dogs and skateboarding.  People, myself included, playing Pokemon Go or perhaps Ingress, another augmented reality game.  I saw at least 3 people that appeared to be homeless.  That brings my thoughts to how fortunate I am to have family and friends who care enough about me that it is highly unlikely that I will ever truly be homeless. 

This summer I had hoped to be doing a huge amount of hiking.  So far it hasn't happened.  The heat descended and I wilted like a fragile flower.  🥀  My happy for today is that I forced myself out of the house tonight, after the heat of the day was mostly gone and went for a walk.  My pedometer was at around 500 steps for the day when I left and I now have just over 10,500 from my one walk tonight.  👟

There was also this sunset,

and this tree. 


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