Many years ago I lived in Texas. The weather just before we moved was rain. The total rainfall for one of those days was 15 inches with the heaviest falling about 2 inches in an hour. This is easy to forget when it is hot, sunny and dry out most of the time. It has only rained once since we have been here this week and only briefly. This morning I went for a walk and was reminded not by it raining but by how parts of the trail was designed. Many of the trails are along creeks. They also do a great job of making underpasses for pedestrians and bicyclists to go under a roadway instead of having to cross. As I walked along a particular trail today all the landscaping was concrete built to obviously aim the flow of the water to the trail and into the underpass. The underpass in turn had drainage grates to collect the water and send it to the creek. People have done a bunch of planning with the trails and numbers of parks and open land to help control where the water goes when it rains.

I just liked the sounds...
The bird and the boy.
We went to play a game at a friend of my kids today. It took the majority of the game before I feel like I was starting to understand the nuances but it was fun and is my
happy for today. Tomorrow is our last full day and we are hoping to see the
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