Friday, August 10, 2018

Pennsic-My final day

People have until Sunday to vacate the lands of Pennsic.  The war itself ended this afternoon at closing ceremonies.  I had been hoping to attend closing ceremonies but we were still busy packing up all the stuff.  Eventually the packing was finished and we took a brief walk so K could pick up some things at the merchants.  She bought me a tshirt.  I managed to not buy anything this war but food.  The things I normally get, like the aerial photo and a postcard I didn't get either.  I feel kind of bad about that, there are people at home that I would have liked to send a postcard to at least, but time and when I thought about it didn't happen at the same time as the store was open.

Today's happy is that the most difficult and challenging Pennsic that I can think of is packed up until next year.  Well, the stuff that stays there is packed until next year, the things we bring home are filling the van.   We are at a hotel for the night, between 8 and 9 hours from home, depending on the route we take.  The hotel is nice, but I am looking forward to my own bed.


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