Thursday, April 26, 2018


As I was getting up this morning Gideon comes in and asks me if he can talk to me like I am the DM today.  I was trying to explain to him that I didn't think that was a good idea, that we can't always be in that character voice.  Then he says, "wait, then why are you, aren't you using that voice?"  This is where I explain to him that sometimes when I first wake up my voice is a little husky.   😁  Tonight the players met a dragon, but it was invisible and they didn't have to fight it.  When we played, Gideon became a little too emotionally invested again in the way he wanted things to go.  I need to work on my plot line a little better and some of the rules of play more.  Time is running out.  I feel like I am cramming for the final exam for a class I have been sitting in the back row talking in all semester.  I've heard some of the details but can't really put them all together.

Went out walking a few times today and I spent a short time at the storage unit too.  Some of the buds on trees are starting to open, soon there will be leaves.  I was still a bit achy from my Tuesday hiking adventure today but walking helped that some and I remembered to do a little bit of stretching.  

My happy for today is watching Gideon and his excitement over Dungeons and Dragons.  My hope is that I can foster this in a good and productive way.

This tree is starting to look heavy with cones.

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