Saturday, April 7, 2018


One of the things we do in the SCA while learning about the middle ages is to recreate aspects of them.  One of these is to have a King and Queen and other types of positions such as prince, princess, knights and barons.  There is a new King and Queen about every 6 months and today was a Coronation event where one set of royalty stepped down and another stepped up.  K, Gideon and I attended as well as some of our closer friends.  I heard that there was more than 400 people who went to today's event.  K helped out with the people that were coordinating the event and with making some parts of the incoming queen's medieval clothing and I signed up to be a retainer for the incoming royalty.  I have retained for the local Baron and Baroness recently but it has been a while since I have done so for a king or queen or to the extent I did today.  I hope to get more involved with this aspect of our organization.  Generally I am worker behind the scenes helping so that an event happens or am a bit player rather than one that is more a part of the ambiance of an event.  My daughter and I are running to be the new baronesses of our local group and if we are chosen we will be local representatives of the crown; it is kind of a big deal that I may get into more another time.

There are many layers to the awards and roles that people have in the SCA.  One of the orders is called the Order of the Rose and is better described on this wiki.  Today the outgoing queen was inducted into the Order of the Rose and because I was a retainer I had a pretty good view of that part of the court ceremony but didn't get any pictures.  It was captivating to watch her receive this honor.  Many other people also received awards for service or arts and responsibilities were assigned as well.  So many things go into a kingdom working well. 

The event and spending time with family and friends are my happy things for today. 

This large beautiful church is where the event was today.

Our post event meal at Five Guys.

Sunset on the ride home. 

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