Tuesday, July 17, 2018


This morning I went to a class for work on learning to use the new virtual reality computers at school.   It was a pretty cool experience.  They have the ability to seemingly pull an item off the screen and hold it closer to view more detail or to take apart the layers of a frog and view the body's systems individually-without a scalpel.  There were ways to tell a story and many other things I didn't get a chance to try.  It will be interesting to see how the school and students use them.

In the afternoon my daughter and I worked on making a new outfit for me to wear at events.  The new gown has a lined bodice that was challenging us until we found an online tutorial that helped.  It has been such a long time since I have sewed with any seriousness, that I am very grateful for the internet and its vast library of knowledge.

Rehearsal was tonight.  There were a few sections that we ironed out and made flow better.  It will be interesting to see how the performance comes out when we get to the actual day of.  It is improvised and any character could come up with something on the spot that could end up changing how the story will end up.

There were some wild thunderstorms today that I got to drive through.  The smell of the rain hit me first driving home from work.  The rain came down hard for a while and the lightening and thunder cracked.  It was a summer day full of rain, thunder and lightning.  That smell, just before the rain is my happy for today.

The stormy sky...

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