Monday, February 26, 2018


First official day of school vacation we spent learning things at the Museum of Science.  K, Z, Gideon and myself all got to go.  It has been quite a few years since I have been there and so much has changed!  Some things have just moved, others are the same as when I was a kid and other things are new.  It was a lot of fun.  We ended the day with watching the IMAX film Dream Big: Engineering Our World.  There is an exhibit there now about math and patterns that was interesting and had a mirror maze.  For some reason learning about the Voronoi pattern was very intriguing to me.  I also really liked going through some of the drawers in the natural world area-partially because some of that was relevant to what we have been doing in science class at work.  That was K's favorite part.  Gideon's favorite part was the mirror maze and Z really liked the IMAX movie.  Z and I also really enjoyed the exhibit about the space program.

K and I being silly.




Bird beaks.  The long one on the far right is a pelican. 

Amethyst Geode


 A bunch of pretty rocks.

BIG chunk of malachite.


A building that I saw from the parking lot.


Viking Ship

Apollo 11 crew


In other news, it has been announced that my daughter, K, and I are candidates along with one other pair for the baronial seats with our local SCA group.  If chosen we will become Baroness and Baroness for the next 3-6 years.

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