Friday, February 23, 2018

Games Day

This morning's ride into work was very pretty.  Just enough snow fell last night to make everything look clean and white.  The school day went better than yesterday.  They split up the grade and about half the students worked on their Social Studies/Language Arts project and the other half started watching Hidden Figures.  After about an hour they switched.   Then after break the whole group got together and finished watching the movie.  There was a set of questions to go along with the movie.  There were still the regular classes in the middle of the day, one that Friday is game day.  To finish up this last day before break they split the class into 4 groups and each group did an activity to determine who would compete in a pretend Olympic biathlon.  This ended up the day.  Then I sprayed all the tables in the science room down with a spray bleach cleaner so things would be clean when we come back.  😝

Since I was trying to be available for students who needed to finish their work or do make up work I missed large portions of the movie.  This is a movie that I had wanted to see before it came out and never did.  It has now been added and moved to the top of my Netflix queue so I can finally see it.  When my kids were younger we used to be movie goers.   Not at the movies all the time or anything but we enjoyed going out from time to time and seeing a show at the theater.  They still are. There was quite a gap where I never got out to the movies though and occasionally I fee I should catch up.  Like when I hadn't seen some of the Star Wars movies and another came out last year so I had to watch the ones I missed.  Last night we watched the 3rd Thor movie but I still haven't seen the 2nd one.  Ah, well, I guess I have had other things to do.

It is Friday, it was the last day of work prior to vacation.  For this first evening of vacation I relaxed mostly.  Dishes got done, food was eaten and a movie was watched.  My happy for today is vacation.

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