Monday, October 29, 2018

Season Musing

After school Dungeons and Dragons went alright today.  I was able to get my computer running again, which is where my notes are, so that helped.  We also only had about 20 minutes of game time once the few new kids got their character sheets made.  There is still a bunch of organizing of data that I need to do before next Monday. 

The day started out rainy but when I left school it was sunny bright with scattered puffy clouds.  By the time I got to my friend's house, it was a dark cloudy again.  We got ready for a walk and it was starting to clear here too.  There are some sky/foliage pictures below.  Most of the leaves are past their prime color at this point.  I still love how all the different shades come together, even when many of the shades are brown or gray.  When I was a child and didn't understand that other parts of the world didn't have four seasons, I may have had a favorite.  I don't remember what it may have been.  I am sure if asked, I came up with something.  As an older adult, who has lived where the seasons change without the definition that it does in New England, I don't have a favorite.   What I think I appreciate most is the changing of the seasons.  When winter snows melt and the smell of spring first comes in the air and the birds return from their winter homes... when the spring flowers make way for the summer ones and all the leaves are bursting with life... when the heat of the summer is pushed away by the cool breezes of autumn and the colors in the leaves brighten before falling in piles... when the now bare trees in autumn get that fine layer of a first snow and that cold, dusty smell of the snow as winter starts to creep in. 

This evening I reminded myself how to sew.  Okay, I probably didn't really forget, but it didn't come as naturally as I would have liked.  I have had some fabric that I purchased in January I think that I started making a skirt with.  Walks with friends and sewing are my happy things for today.

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