Saturday, August 18, 2018

Texas Day 4

The thermometer was supposed to reach 104 degrees F today so we went swimming.  We went to Barton Springs Pool which is a public spring fed pool close to the center of the city.   It is a natural pool, the bottom is slippery moss covered limestone and the sides are either more rock or cement walls built to contain and shape the area.  It was slippery, the greenish blue water was a nice 68-70 degrees, there was detached moss floating throughout, and it was fun and refreshing.  Unfortunately, it was slippery on the rocks outside the water as well and C slipped and broke his toe.  We couldn't tell at first if it was broken or dislocated but X-rays at urgent care confirmed a break.  When he and E went home this afternoon C was in a fair amount of pain.  He held up amazingly well while seeing the medical professionals, but I think once the adrenaline wore off the pain came through.  😟

The rest of the day was hanging out at the house, a yummy dinner of enchilada casserole, a game and a walk to end the evening.  My happy for today is the swim time prior to the toe breaking.  Gideon hasn't learned how to swim yet and we couldn't convince him to try.  He did seem to have fun walking through the water holding hands though.  He also said that the water smelled like Pennsic porta potties.  I didn't notice this at all.  Later, as I was able to swim in the deeper sections and the water kept getting more and more blue, the thought of swimming in a porta potty kept coming to mind.  😜

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