Friday, June 8, 2018


Two more weeks and then school will be out for summer break.  When I look at my calendar it is very full.  So many things that I want to do or have to do and that I am looking forward to doing.  We sorted through a few things at the storage unit today and it seemed overwhelming.  Just now though, I imagined that feeling I will have when it is empty and I know I can do this.  I said goodbye to a few things today and it was good (random article about saying goodbye).  As these things leave my possession, there will be room for living a simpler life.

The evening was just right for being outside so I walked to craft night across town.  It was a good decision to go because my signature was needed.  I finally got a bit more done on the apron I have been smoking.  I'm trying to decide whether or not to change the color of the thread I am using at the half way point before moving on.  Walking home the city was alive with people out enjoying the nightlife.  There were people just hanging around and talking, walking their dog, or listening to live music. 

Along the walk I heard a bird and was able to take quite a few pictures of it.  It appears to be a cat bird, which was my second guess.  Before I saw it I thought it might be a mockingbird.  The cap on that gray catbird though-I love. 

Last fall there was an artist in residence program and all the students and adults got to make a tile.  Today we got them back and that is my happy for today.  The lines along either side were made by pressing in and rolling rings that I wear almost all the time.  The swirly lines are from a cut shell and so is at least the comma part of the semicolon-- also from a cut shell.  Most of the rest were stamps that were available to use.

Grey catbird

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